Friday, May 22, 2009

Nipping laziness in the saggy butt

Ok, so the real purpose of this blog is to chronicle my transformation into adulthood. One of the hurdles I must cross is laziness. Why? Because I'm lazy. Not that I don't like doing stuff. Ask anybody...sometimes I'm more guilty of doing too much stuff. I just lack motivation to do the things that would enhance my overall well-being. One of those things is exercise. Now don't get me wrong, I looovvveee to work-out. I feel strong and invigorated and look really good. Unfortunately, making myself exercise is near impossible. I'll do a couple stretches and one rep of some really intense exercise once a day, for like 2 weeks, then I tell myself "if I just do some push-ups, I tone easily, so I'll be good", or "I did good last week, I can afford to take this 2-7 days off". Next thing you kno, I'm spending my free time eating melted cheddar cheese off a plate and watching Oprah. Tsk tsk indeed.

Now, people who kno me will laugh at my exercise talk, because I'm skin and bones. But what they don't seem to realize is, everybody jiggles. Jiggling is ok if you have a few extra pounds on's expected. Jiggling is nasty if you way 10 pounds. Then, you're just saggy. That is what I am right now. Back when I ran track in high school, or danced in college, I was fit, and it showed. My legs were skinny, but toned, I had a six pack, and my butt defied gravity. A year away from school and convenient extracurricular activities, and my thighs are like raw chicken legs, I have the upper body strength of my great-grandma, and a butt made of play dough (It's the only place fat is stored on my body, and with no muscle tone, it molds to whatever I put it in...disgusting). So, I've decided to be proactive. No longer will I be skinny for skinny's sake. No longer will I settle for naturally small. In short, it's time to hit the gym!!

Oh yes, people. I am going all out. I will be waking up in the morning, and stretching. I will be doing push-ups, lunges....even the dreaded crunches. I will even drag myself to the gym and utilize this stupid YMCA membership I've had for 2 years. I will drink more water, I already like healthy food, and I will drink protein shakes and take my vitamins. It won't be fun, but it will feel great to be healthy and fit again. I will be starting this on Sunday. Wish me luck!!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Does this make me a ...blogger?

Yayyyy!! My first post! Um...ok, so I don't know what to do now. I guess I could tell you why I made a blog. Basically, it's because I have a lot of stuff, like theories I make up, and opinions and random thoughts...things other people don' really care about unless they ask you. I figured I'd just become a world famous writer and write a bunch of witty essays, or maybe become a journalist and have a column, like Carrie in "Sex in the City". Unfortunately, those jobs aren't as easy to come by as they seem, lol. So, after reading a few hair and fashion blogs, I said to myself "Self?," and myself said "Yes boo?" (Myself is sweet like that). Then I said, "I've been thinking, and, we're kinda cool right?", and myself said "We're wicked awesome babe...why?". I replied, "Cuz we should sooo make a blog!", to which myself exclaimed "Yo, I was thinking the same thing! With our own blog, we'd have so much room for activities!!". (In advance, I watch a lot of movies, many of them ridiculous, and I'm a quoter...hence the "Stepbrothers" reference...sorry).

Anyways, the moral to the story is, when you have really cool things to say, and nobody cares but you, and talking to yourself starts to get weird, start a blog.