As you all kno, yesterday was Father's Day. First of all, I would like to say, Happy Father's Day to my dad. He may not be the perfect father, but he has always been a good one, and he's tries his best. The older I get, the more I realize that we're all human, and sometimes, we just can't get it right. The least we can do is try, and that is what sets us apart. I say this because I notice a growing trend of extremely young parents. Yes, I realize teens have been having kids for centuries, but lately, I feel like there's a baby boom. Errbody's popping 'em out....sorry. Almost half of the people I went to high school with are parents, soon to be parents, or even married! This is surprising because I'm only 23. However, the reason I bring this up in this particular post is because, I am soooo proud of father's this year.
I kno I promised to talk about my new job long ago. Well, I'm a teacher's assistant in a preschool. I looovvveeeee this job. The kids are crazy and disgusting, but they're all 4-5 years old, so its kinda cute, lol. Over time, I noticed that mostly fathers have been picking up their children from school. All day long, when the kids get mad at the teacher's or someone takes their toy, they scream "I WAN MY DADDY!!! I MISS MY DADDY!!". In a world where mother's reign supreme, this is not only surprising, but heart-warming. It shows me that father's of all ages and races are stepping up, being men, and not settling for "sperm-donor" role, but are being present in their children's lives, and being Daddies. I am truly proud.
...almost made me shed a single tear.
cool beans